So, you’re thinking of buying a rooftent, and you’d like to know what is a great car rooftent? We’ve compiled a list of our knowledge and experiences about roof tents to consult when you are searching for your own roof tent. This should assist you in selecting the perfect car rooftent available in UK. UK (for the price you pay).
How do you start? First thing to do is decide which kind of rooftent is right for you?
Soft shell or a rooftent made of hardtop?
There’s no one-size-fits-all answer to this, and it all comes to deciding what’s best for you. Instead of going on and about the topic, we decided to come up with our own pros and cons of each type of rooftent. This allows you to examine the pros and cons of each roof tent and decide what is essential to you.
Soft shell is different from. Rooftent for hard shell
Here’s a list of the advantages and disadvantages of various rooftent styles.
Soft Shell Roof Tent
Lighter (better for cars with smaller size)
Less expensive
More interior space
Skylights and windows with extra windows (some models)
Additional possibilities for mounting (opening the front, sideways or forwards)
Smaller mounting footprint
Annex room
Less aerodynamic
It takes longer to set up and then pack away (8-10mins)
One entrance
Hardtop Roof Tent
It is quicker to set up and take it down for removal (4-6mins)
More aerodynamic
More protection
Two entrances (most models)
More expensive
Less room inside tent
Larger mounting footprint
One mounting position.
There is no annex room
Hope that the above information should give you a good idea of what kind of rooftent is the best for you. If not, do not worry what you should do is look over several rooftents to get the feel of tent varieties.
What are the things to look out for in roofingtent materials?
If you’re in the market for a soft-shell roofing tent, the quality of the material is essential in the selection process. Top and hard shell roof tents feature a strong (normally made of fiberglass) waterproof top. However, the sides of hard shells are made of fabric and should be breathable, but waterproof. The different types and terms used to describe material can make it difficult to understand particularly when they are different versions of the same material.
For ease, we have highlighted the most important details to be looking for or inquire about when purchasing your rooftent.
What are the things to look out at when you check the watertightness of your roof tent? The most important thing to be looking for is the Hydrostatic Head rating, also known as the HH rating. It is measured in millimeters and reflects the length of a column water a substance can endure before it begins to leak. For instance an 200mm HH rating could mean that the material can hold a water column around the same height as a pint-glass before it begins to leak. The higher the HH rating, the more waterproof it is, but make sure to verify this rating before you choose the rooftop tent you want to use.
UV Resistant
Every time you utilize your tent on the roof, you’ll expose it to sun. It is therefore essential to ensure that the fabric isn’t going be impacted by the sunlight’s rays. UV rays scattered by the sun’s rays will cause the material to fade or even degrade the roofing material. By ensuring that the fabric that you use for your rooftent is UV-resistant, you can extend the lifespan the tent. Which fabric is the most efficiently? Materials like Polyester, Nylon and Ripstop are all excellent UV-resistant fabric.
Mould Resistant
As a citizen of the UK We all know that camping in the UK will without doubt some time bring rain. But that’s not the only way that your tent could get wet. condensation from the morning or even drew will make your roof tent sloppy or damp. So, you’ll have to dry your tent before packing it away. This isn’t always achievable. Thus, the ability to take your tent off even if it’s damp is an important aspect.
The material that resists mould will prevent your roof tent from turning moldy (but it won’t last forever!). Still, you must ventilate your roof tent when you put it away in the middle of being damp. The word that is used here is’resistant and you should be careful not to keep your tent soaking wet throughout winter. If you’ve stored it in damp conditions it is best to wait until the next day to dry and allow it to air to keep it from becoming damp when you get it open next summer.
What qualities should you be looking for in a roof tent?
Many tent makers offer numerous wonderful features in their rooftents. This makes your roof tent more luxurious when you camp inside it. But what are the things to keep an eye out for?
Windows and Skylights
Certain roof tents come with several windows, or even skylights, which allow air and light to circulate through the tent. The main points to consider is the high-quality zips as well as the use of bugs nets to ward off unwanted guests. Skylights in roof tents are fantastic to get more light and sun in the day, but are ideal for stargazing in the night.
Mattress, Anti-Condensation Mat and Mattress
As you settle to sleep to sleep in your tent of choice one of the worst things to discover is that your mattress is uncomfortable, or perhaps it’s damp and moldy. The norm in the industry is to use high-density foam mattresses at least 50mm or two inches thick. We would recommend that you go with 60mm or 70mm options can give you more restful nights. Also, ensure that the mattress cover can be washed easily.
Another great feature, which isn’t standard in the industry is an anti-condensation mat that can be placed under your mattress. This is a crucial piece of equipment that will stop your mattress from becoming damp and spongy. Certain rooftent manufacturers sell the mattress separately, but we suggest you find an option that includes this in the rooftent.
Annex Rooms
Rooms with roof tents are ideal for a second living area for pets or children. Not only do they work to sleep in, but also for cooking, storage or eating when the weather is a bit chilly. Some rooftents have an annex space, however other manufacturers may charge an extra on this extra feature.
There’s one aspect you should consider prior to deciding whether or not you want to use an annex room in your vehicle, and it is the height of the mounting. In order for an annex room to be properly pegged out the height of mounting your tent should be anywhere from 1.75m or 2.1m. If your car is below this height Buy ramps to level your campervan to raise the height of your vehicle.
Other Extras
In addition to the features listed above There are many additional accessories that will help make camping in a roof tent something extra special. LED lights that plug into 12v power source, storage nets for shoes and clothes because what do you do with your shoes that are muddy inside a rooftent? We suggest taking a close review of what’s included and not included in your roof tent.
We hope that this article has provided you with an idea of what to look for in a car rooftent the UK. The best advice we can offer is to get in touch with the manufacturers and ask the company about their offerings if aren’t sure which one is the most suitable for your needs. If you have any other suggestions you think ought to be added to this list or would like to learn more about, please leave us a note below.