If you’re going to university, selecting your place of residence is the first important decision you’ll make in your own time (no obligation). The right place for you is going to require some study and a keen eyesight. Here are the items you should be aware of when making your decision…
The amount of rental
If you come across Leicester university accommodation with a an affordable rent You’ll think you’ve found the perfect accommodation However, remember that a lower cost per month means that there aren’t any bills included. If you’re in a hall it’s not something you’ll need to think about as cost of rent is usually accompanied by internet and bills.
If you’re considering private lodging, don’t worry! Check if the bills are included in the rental If not, then ask how much they are usually per month. If you’re looking for Wi-Fi at student homes ensure that the signal is adequate enough to support the demands of a family of students or Netflixers.
Are you weighing whether a private room is worth the additional costs? There are usually numerous benefits to justify your expenditure and could even reduce your expenses in the end.
Modern, state-of-the art cinema rooms, gaming rooms and gyms are now included in the amenities which students have access to. As with halls, private lodging companies also focus on creating a community vibe for their residents and host many events so that you can meet your fellow residents.
T&Cs on your contract
Nobody likes reading the tiny printed text on contracts, however the terms of an accommodation contract carry much more weight than conditions and terms you read when downloading an application.
It is important to be familiar with the duration that the agreement is, what the deposit amount is and whether there’s a time limit to walk away without breaking the agreement if you decide that the property isn’t suitable for you.
Are you considering living in a house shared by several people? The contract should specify whether you’re each individually responsible for late payments on bills or if the burden rests with the entire house.
If you are concerned about your deposit, ensure that your landlord is putting the deposit in a deposit protection scheme, and will provide you with all the information you need about this.
The people you’ll be sharing your space with
It’s likely that you’ll be living with strangers, not your family members, so you’ll need to ensure you know the people you’ll live with. In university owned buildings, and some halls that are private you are able to usually indicate that you’d like to live in a female-only or all-male apartment which can be harder to coordinate in a shared home.
The halls are also known to put people who are in the same year of studies with each other, which means that even if you were admitted through clearing, you’ll likely be living with fellow students in the same situation as you.
What do you need to bring along
Bring everything except the sink in the kitchen is a common mistake that can lead to students being in a kitchen with more toasters and kettles than they can figure out about.
If you’re moving to a private or halls-of-rest be sure to verify what’s already available. The majority of student housing has staples like kettles toasters, ironing boards that are already in place.
What ever type of lodging you’ll be staying at the location is among the most crucial factors to think about. Yes, a room that is far from the city centre may look nice today, but will it appear like a dream when you’re taking an hour long journey to the well-known 9am lecture? Perhaps but not.
Finding the ideal location requires three components:
A fair price
The proximity to university and student necessities like supermarkets and supermarkets
A close GP
Before signing your contract, ensure you know how secure the location is. The student neighborhoods are generally safe, but it is never a bad idea to do some research.
A property’s view
The ability to view a property is crucial even if it’s private property. Once you’ve narrowed down your choices of accommodation by using the options above, arrange an appointment to view.
While you’re viewing, be sure to look for security issues as well as damp and quality of the fittings, such as the boiler, as well as any evidence of insects.
If you think you require some additional help when making a choice do not be afraid to contact your school, particularly in the event that you’ll live in a different town. They’ll be able recommend various local options for you, and will help you with any concerns you might have.
You can also ask your parents to give you their opinion – they’ll be more than willing to get involved in your search since they want to ensure that you’re safe at university.