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What is Vaser liposuction?

Liposuction is an operation which removes weight-loss cells that are accumulating in your body. It’s usually performed in areas in which fat deposits accumulate including the thighs, hips and tummy, as well as on the arm’s underside.

VASER is a contraction of “Vibration Amplification of Sound Energy Resonance’. It’s a technique for liposuction that makes use of the ultrasound wave to split apart and disperse fat cells, so that they are easier to remove. The liquefied fat may then be extracted using needles, resulting in less injury to nearby tissues than traditional liposuction.

Who can benefit from VASER liposuction?

Anyone can undergo VASER liposuction to improve their appearance. It’s particularly beneficial for those who want to tone and contour your body by eliminating portions of body fat which aren’t easy to eliminate through exercising and diet on their own. It’s not suitable as an option to treat overweight, however.

What areas of my body are able to be treated?

VASER liposuction is a procedure that can be utilized nearly everywhere fat is present. Most common areas of treatment are:

Neck and the chin
The arm’s underside.
The hips and buttocks
Ankles and knees

What are the benefits that VASER Liposuction has over other methods?

VASER liposuction is a non-invasive procedure that requires just a few small incisions to be made, and it leaves only very little scarring and does not call for stitches. In the end, VASER liposuction can be less traumatizing than traditional liposuction and it results in less bleeding and bruises. Additional advantages include:

Speedier recovery times You may be able back to work as quickly as a couple of days, based on the intensity of the treatment
The ultrasound waves can only destroy fat cells. This means nearby structures like nerves and blood vessels will not suffer damage
Cellulite removal, unlike conventional liposuction, VASER is able to eliminate cellsulite-related areas.

Is VASER liposuction considered safe?

Liposuction is an extremely popular cosmetic procedure, and the VASER method is in use for more than 15 years. VASER liposuction is proven to be secure and produces minimal adverse side consequences. It’s also been demonstrated to result in less loss of blood than traditional liposuction. This is especially true when larger areas are treated.

What can I be expecting?

The day of the procedure your surgeon will talk about procedures with you, and will typically mark the parts of your body being treated. You might also be visited by an anaesthetist who will talk about the kind of anaesthetic you’ll require. If the area to be targeted is in a small area, local anaesthetic with moderate anesthesia can be utilized for the procedure. If more extensive areas that are treated it is possible that a general anaesthetic be suggested.

The first step is to inject an saline solution, known as tumescent into the affected area. This is a way to lessen the pain and also break down fat cells and also decrease bleeding. A small probe is placed into an incision. The probe emits ultrasonic waves that disintegrate and melt fat cells. The fat that has been liquefied is slowly sucked away by a needle.

The duration the VASER procedure procedure can vary from a few minutes to several hours based on the intensity of the procedure. Following the procedure, you are taken to a healing area to allow the effects of anaesthetic or sedation to diminish.

What is the length of the recovery time?

It is possible to return home the same day you undergo the VASER liposuction procedure is completed. Because the procedure is not invasive involved, it may take only a few days to feel like you’re back to normal. The time to recover will differ according to the area that has been treated as well as the amount of fat is removed. The surgeon you choose will provide you with an idea of what you can anticipate.

In the initial few days, you could see a reddish-orange liquid leaks from the wound sites however this is normal and will disappear by itself. The pain following VASER liposuction is generally minimal, and it is highly unlikely to require powerful painkillers. There will be some swelling in the area for 5 to 6 weeks. There may be some numbness or bruising at this point. It is advised to avoid any heavy lifting for a couple of weeks following the procedure in order to let your body recover fully.

You’ll need to wear a specially designed compression garment that helps shape your body for a period of 6-8 weeks following your VASER liposuction. The surgeon will be able give more details about this.

Can I see immediate results?

Many patients notice a noticeable change immediately after their VASER liposuction procedure, even though it’s initially covered by swelling. The effects can be observed in full after a period of about 2 months, when the inflammation is gone and after 6 months your skin will be fully contracted over the region.

It is possible to gain weight to see the effects, but for them to be lasting, make sure to live your lifestyle in a healthy way by eating an appropriate diet and workout.


VASER liposuction, a relatively new method of treatment that’s especially effective in removing the stubborn fat deposits that are not able to change when you change your lifestyle. It’s less traumatizing than traditional liposuction and comes with many advantages, such as a quicker recovery times as well as less scarring. The results are visible within a short time after the procedure, however it is important to remain healthy to ensure they stay. If you’re thinking about VASER liposuction, or any other cosmetic procedure, talk to one of our experts.